Working experience?
I worked for my mother before.
I worked in those illegal place before.
But now brand new job
Currently work at Crown casino food court.
Basically the job wasn't that hard, but it is a little bit hard for me.
maybe I'm too stupid
maybe I'm new
maybe I'm not concentrating in working missing her so much
maybe I'm a little bit of slow motion
There is too much of maybe EXCUSES!
Worked for 4 hours. Not long at all
I thought I can work longer but I'm still new so disallowed to do that.
I want money!
Money that what I'm craving all this while.
I love you
You love me
We are happy family!
I'm yours
and you're mine
We are belongs to each other!
p/s: Going to clubbing tomorrow night!
Let's go to see some hot chicks *praying hard if there any*