Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Exam stress makes

My lifestyle is getting worst


  • sleep after sunrise
  • wake up before sunset
  • instead of sleeping, i go makan kaya man tou
  • try to sleep early, but tummy-ache

Seriously I'm trying so hard to sleep early

things wasn't work out like what i thought

p/s: there is someone promise me will webcam me a birthday cake
but i don't think she remember it T_____________T

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Another fireworks happen near my apartment
but this time wasn't that nice as last time

the fireworks video very short
because half way of the fireworks only i remembered to record it down


addicted to pokers
Texas hold'em


where have you been?
can you come back to me
and let me concentrate to study for the last 3 papers?

p/s: I wish my dear was beside me and study with me

brain burst!

half-boiled eggs

It makes me think of the time when I'm in Malaysia

Half-boiled eggs that boiled by my mommy
which taste the best in my life.

but now i need to boil it by myself without anyone help

Though it's just half-boiled eggs, but it still can proof that i can cook! (perasan ><") LOL

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy birthday to Ryu

Today 28th October 2007 is RYU's birthday

so i planned to blog about her!

Ryu, who studying in perth who's smart, good looking, and of cos skinny.

As what i remembered, she's doing psychology too which is the same subject as mine. but of cos she's much more expert than me since she's my senior!

Ryu and I were met on 2005. Through friendster if i'm not wrong.

We knew each other for so long but i still not really know her well. And of cos i never ever manage to meet her up for so many years.

I have no present for you for this moment but i sincerely wish you happy 22th birthday RYU!

May you have a nice day and good luck for your exam

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I love foods

I feel so hungry but there is nothing to eat at my house! (I mean proper meal)
I wish i could eat this potterhouse again!!!! I miss it!!
When you're hungry any foods come to you, you will think it is delicious =)

Energetic Foods for exam
- 5 bags of Boost party size
- 4 bags of Timeout party size
- 4 x 1.5 litres coke
- 2 x 2 litres coke
- 1 x 2 litres pepsi
- coco pops
- milk
- Krispy kreme

God bless me

The above picture is the best describe for my current condition.

Though no assignments stress for me,
but exam stress is even worst than assignment =(

26/10/2007 = Advanced Data analysis STA2032

6 more days = Science SCI2010

12 more days = Japenese JPL1020

13 more days = Sociology SCY2100

kanasai!! kanasai!!
where is my motivation??!!
I got so much to ready for the exam
but i have no motivation to start

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The reason which bring us together

Beauty is not forever BUT Intelligence is what makes relationship very stimulating.

So i always advice people don't go after person by their outlook
because outlook could be MISLEAD everything!

10 reasons I choose to be with you :

  1. You're beauty (but that's not the main point)
  2. You're sweet (the way you treat me)
  3. You're smart (to some circumstances)
  4. You're considerate
  5. You light my life
  6. You make me feel what is love
  7. You make me learn to be caring (just to you)
  8. You make me smile when i'm sad
  9. You're my 1st crush
  10. You're just too great for me!

Eye on malaysia

I'm so tired for the whole day
I think i walked more than 5km today (lol)
went to university for my STA2032 pre-exam consultation
then after i reached home for not long
i went out with my brother to get his flight ticket from MAS and go to shop with him because he need to find something for his gf niece/nephew.
Walked for so long ended up he never get the thing he's looking for, but i bought a t-shirt.
Walked for so long and so far but i think worth it!Seriously i just feel good that i went out and least i get something when i back home without my hands empty.
because i got coupon for eye on malaysia(free) and i bought a T

p/s: the T not for myself is for "her"!
Do you think my size can fit in??!! LOL

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Finally i manage to get my krispy kreme
I was struggling for the exam
and i need some energetic food
so here is it!!!
2 dozens for me and my brother
See i said before i eat like a cow
this is the evidence for it =)

I love you for no reason

The odd one

p/s: Malaya Anne
Sorry for putting up your name
and the convo.

Ashley: I got alot teddy bears!
Malaya Anne: haha teddy bear good, cos cant answer you back.
Ashley: Nah.. they can answer me back.
Malaya Anne: Ash i sked ady.
Ashley: haha i talk to them and i act their part talk to myself too!
Malaya Anne: okay normal normal you're not ABNORMAL
Ashley: Yeah i know cos i'm not the only one who do dat.
Malaya Anne: u like soft toys?
Ashley: *i change my part ady* here is the picture of my soft toys
so you know how much i like soft toys now??
Malaya Anne: din noe tbs also like soft toys
Ashley: I'm the odd one
Malaya Anne: Special issit?

Seriously i don't think is special,
because i admit i got a lot of soft toys at my home.
some of it still at malaysia so
can you guess how abnormal i'm?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Current status : In LOVE
Current mood : depressed
Current disease : Sleepy bugs

I sleep like a pig,
I eat like a cow,
and I act like a chicken.

Everyday i sleep like 12hours due to the disease i got. Everynight i couldn't asleep due to the coke (4x1.5 litre, 2x2litre) i bought from coles!

Overall, today's oral wasn't that bad. I think pass bahhhhhh!

when you lose something
so you appreciate it

Learn a lesson from it
I learn to control myself
just to stay with you
and appreciate what i have now

Monday, October 22, 2007

ready? go?

ASHLEY: はじめまして。わたしはASHLEYです。おなまえは?

LISA: はじめまして。わたしはLISAです。

ASHLEY: わたしはモナシューだいがくのにねんせいです。せんこうはコンピュータサイエンスとぶんがくです。LISAさんは?

LISA: わたしもモナシューだいがくのにねんせいなんです。せんこうはけいざいがくとぶんがくです。ASHLEYさんのしゅうみはなんですか? わたしはにほんのどらまをみることがすきなんです。

ASHLEY: え?そうですか?わたしもにほんのどらまをみることがすきです。そして、およぐこともすきです。

LISA: じゃ、ASHLEYさんはすぽーつをするのがじょうずでしょう?わたしはすぽーつがにがてなんです。

ASHLEY: いいえ、ぜんぜんじょうずじゃないんです、へたです。そういえば、LISAさんはえいがをみるのがすきですか?

LISA: ええ、すきですよ。なんでもみます。

ASHLEY: じゃ、こんどいっしょにえいがをみにいきませんか?

LISA: もちろんいいですよ。じゃ、でんわばんごをおしえてくれませんか。

ASHLEY: ええ、わたしのでんわばんごうは きゅう よん ご はち の ぜろ ぜろ さん いち です。LISAさんのは?

LISA: わたしのは きゅう ろく いち に の さん さん よん よん です。じゃ、どぞよろしくおねがいします。

ASHLEY: こちらこそ。

Words coloured with red are my part. It is not long but it seriously make me headache. And the other part for my oral tomorrow is answering question from the teacher.

I just make up some question might out from the teacher and i figure out the answer

Q: 何が好きですか?
A: 先生のクラスは大好きです。

Q: 家族が何人ですか?
A: 私の家族が5人います。

Q: 父の仕事は何ですか?
A: 父の仕事は私のボス。

Q: 母の仕事は何ですか?
A: 母の仕事は私の母です。

Q: 大学は如何ですか?
A: つまらないです。

Seriously those which coloured in yellow are damn funny which made up by me and shuyar when wondering what if the teacher ask us what our dad and mom work as.

p/s: Wish me best of luck if you're reading this post!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

random picked

Everyone love aircond
when it is summer!
So do I

Diana, Shu, me and Lisa *Hard rock toilet*

Rump steak *Lisa ordered*

Huricane, Toblerone, _____, berrylicious

Grilled Salmon *I ordered*

_______ *Diana ordered*

Am i?

IQ test score

If I'm a Regional Genius
I don't think i need to write blog at here anymore!!

swt =.=||

ahhhh!! The weather is like siao one lah..
okay now i totally crazy over my summer already

I can feel that I'm a roasted duck now!
I'm roasted ducky oh~

p/s: I think malaysia weather even worst!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

My new belongings

Get something for myself, my sweetheart baby, my mom, my sis, my bro in law and my bro!

from hard rock cafe in melbourne!!!

White T-shirt and Black T-shirt(leather words)

Zippo's lighter =)

p/s: oppss i miss out my dad! Cos i just remember
i get a T from internet for my lovely nephew too.

Celebration in advanced

First advanced birthday celebration from thy and catherine!

Eat at yoyogi and then went to hard rock cafe =)

Thanks both of you!!!


though no birthday cake but I'm so happy! Thanks guys for celebrating with me

I'm so stress
but where is my motivation??!!

Friday, October 19, 2007





I admit I'm

but i don't think i looks like a "gold fish lou" gua

But Anne said i looks like
when i said ryu looks like.
Arghhhhh *^%$^$#


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Last day

Last day of university this semester
One semester is end again
time flies so fast and exams are coming soon.

Dinner with shuyar, lisa and diana at hardrock cafe =)
Thanks shuyar for the dinner!
Thanks lisa for the lychee green tea!
Thanks shuyar and adeline for the brunch bar and biscuits!
love you guys!!!!!!!!!

I'll post the dinner's pictures when lisa send it to me!

Ok we drink cocktails..

ok.. silent and keep ur mouth zip!
Don't laugh at me okay??!!

I just drink 1 1/2 cup of cocktails and i drunk!!!! AAAhhhhh i never thought that i'm so char lor.. I can't believe...


Diana, me, Fujioka sensei with junior lisa, shuyar and lisa!

They looks nice in this shot.... but me.. ok.. look funny, fat + so pathetic! issit?
Fujioka sensei is my japanese teacher for this whole year, she's cute+funny and of coz she's pretty~ you know why? because she always keep telling us that she's pretty, and if we praise her, she will said HD HD HD for us! So cute right????!!!

so far she's the best teacher in my university!!!!


Problem. There is problem for everyone. Including me!
I might be the good listener for my friends

who can be my listener?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rate it

My friend designed a boot
Wormmie!!! I'm helping you to advertise oh..

Designed by Wormmie!

Go to the website and give her a rate. Thanks for you co-operation! :)

Agyness Deyn

Bumming around...

and i found her!!! yes!!
She's damn cool and well she's cute too.. The way she dressing herself in boy or girl, she still looks smarts and nice with her face! =) I LOVE AGYNESS DEYN

I love myself

Yes I DO


So what?

I think compared to i love a guys
who is a
  • drugs addict0r
  • gambler
  • liar
  • jerk
  • fucker
  • raper

I think i better love a girl right??!!

Why can people just accept the way we are? Why they think it is a sin? And think we are deviant? We have our own life also! No matter which way we're as long that we're happy then i think it is okay already!

Monday, October 15, 2007



May cause blindness or deafness

Watch it with your own responsibility.
Thank you!


Akashi - Aiba is so so so cute!!

His english is so funny!! Watch it and i confirm you'll laugh like hell :)

Funny and Cute

I found a stupid short movie clips!!!
and it is really funny!!


click on it and watch it!

It really works when you're down and you watch it because it is damn funny! :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Lazy worm

I'm so lazy! I woke up at 2pm and i go back and sleep at 6pm and work up at 7pm and i still sleepy! What going on with me? Why I'm so lazy? I'm sleepyhead!!!!!! >___<|| Tomorrow have listening test, tonight i must dig my ears clean clean and ready for tmr test :)

Wish me best of luck if you're reading this!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fun night =)

Thanks to Lisa for the dinner =)

We ordered:

Set Menu A - 79.00 per person


Assorted sashimi

Chawan mushi

Prawns, sea perch, calamari

Sirloin steak

Sautéed mushrooms

Steamed rice

Miso soup

Green tea ice cream

Set Menu B - 101.50 per person



Assorted sashimi

Tempura oysters

Prawns, scallops, sea perch

Fillet of beef

Sautéed potato and onion

Salad with house dressing

Steamed rice

Miso soup

Rice ice cream

It's very nice, we did enjoyed the dinner. After the dinner we walked to hard rock cafe, but too bad when we reached there, it was closed. So we ended up walking back to crown again and Shuya sent me home. It supposed to take 3mins to reach my house. but we took like 10mins to reached my house. You know why? because we take the wrong road and we drive ahead M1 highway!!!! hahahahahahaha XD

Friday, October 12, 2007


I can't wait to go back cook for you
I can't wait to go back see you

The very important thing is because i wish you be with me again!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

the most i love

I wish i could be with you for the rest of your life
I wish I'm the one who you really need in your life
I wish you will never ever leave me alone

You're the one who i love the most!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

one more chance

What i had say last night is true
I really love you so much
I want to be with you
I wish you can give your hand to me, and I'll hold your hand for the rest of your life.

Please give me another chance!

Monday, October 8, 2007

one side

Just clapping with my hand, it won't berbunyi!!

So what i can do actually?

An angel

I just wish i could accompany you when you need me

that's all i can do now.

I just wanna listen to your voice every night

that's all i can do.

I just wanna be your angel who take care of you!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


What relationship between me and you now??


More than a friend, less than a lover?

I really don't know lar!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I do

I wanted to tell you
I still wanna be with you
I still want to accompany you for the rest of your life
I still want to by your side when you need someone to rely on
I still want to give you a smile to let you know I'm happy to be with you


Am i still have chance?

Everytime i close my eyes
I can feel the pain in my heart
I don't know how long this will last for...
1 month?
3 months?
1 year?
or for the rest of my life?

Teach me what to do?

miss you

Miss you


I couldn't tell you!

What i can do?

I want you!
I need you!

Friday, October 5, 2007

what's going on

What on earth that make us can't get together??!
We love each other!
We can't let go this relationship!

but what on earth that we need to split up?

I don't know what happen with me me right now.
I cannot even concentrate on a stuff
and i couldn't tell you how bad i feel now
because i don't want you to sympathy me!

I wish I'm absent minded
so that i can get rid of all the memory between me and you.
I can just keep on with my life now without thinking our past.

okay! I know what i said now it will never works

what to do??

Her parents find out that she's a lesbian and they can't accept it and trying to stop her to be with me. Our relationship that's what I want. I don't care who disagree with our relationship but I just want to be with you, but it can't! Why we have to care so much about other people.

I wish they could understand. Homosexual is not a crime. If they could have better understand on us, they will know we do love each other and we really mean to each other.

I love you and that's what my mind keep telling me.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

where are you?

Everyday i receieved your sms in the morning


today i never get any of it.
I cannot adapt it.
I keep looking to my phone

wonder where is your msg??


I thought i can put it down easily.


things wasn't work out like what i thought.

Just for you

At this moment, I wanna write down the feeling of me right now.

Dear baby(past tense),

Thanks for giving me 3yrs and 5months and 21days of happiness.
Thanks for giving me a chance to love you.
Thanks for sayang-ing me for the time.
Thanks for giving me a chance to participate in your life (even is just a small part).
I'm so happy already.
You're so sweet to me.
Though we can't like last time anymore, but you still always in my heart.
You're not only part of my life, cos you're my life.
You'll always the one who I'll look for when I'm sad, happy, whatever mood that I would like to share with. Unless you're not free to accompany me then I'll just get my ass out of you.
The memory of us will always in my mind.
No matter how, just look for me when you're sad, I don't mind to be your listener.
If you couldn't find someone to share the happy moment with you.
You can look for me too, I'm always here for you.

You're my sunshine for the 3yrs and 5months and 21days. And I'll be your angel for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I wish i could forget

I'm trying to forget the things happen last night


the words you said
the way you said me

it's totally make me feel sad
actually not sad
is I feel so disappointed.

When I thought i forget it already, but it still keep flashing in my mind.
Everytime I think of it, my eyes will start tearing.
I can't control it, I'm too weak! Can't I be tough?


Thanks for letting me know I'm materialistic.
Thanks for letting me know birthday is not an important date.
Thanks for letting me know that what i present you is not what you like.
Thanks for letting me know I'm wasting money.
Thanks for everything.



I'm tired already

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sweet things

My piggy..
We're going to meet up very soon.
More than a month but less than a year *winks*

Dear, We have been quarreling these days. but..
I believed we can make things out! Because we meant to each other
and we will do our best to find out the problem and solve it together right?
You'll never leave me alone right?
Muacksss dear
Wait me back and I'll cook you candle light dinner!
What you want? Pasta? Lamb chop? or anything else?
or you want ME??

My Little Sweetheart,
I desperately wanted to go HOME, I wanted to shopping with you, eat with you, watch movie with you, cook with you, and ummmmmmm *blushing*


Missing you all the time


I'm fucking nervous for the following week..


I'm happy at this moment!
I have done my poster presentation. Overall, I think it is a good poster! I Like it =)

The following week i need to hand in 2 assignments for STA2032 and 1 Literature review for my SCI2010. =S

KAO......... Why i have so much to do?
arghhhh while reading the blog it remind me of next week i got listening test too..

Monday, October 1, 2007

Am I not good enough?

Is every relationship stable all the time?

Am I the only one who facing a lot of problem in my relationship?
Am I not good enough and making up all this problems?

I love her.. and she love me too
why we need to quarrel so much?
Is that fun?
Do you think...
I won't feel sad isn't it?