Friday, October 5, 2007

what's going on

What on earth that make us can't get together??!
We love each other!
We can't let go this relationship!

but what on earth that we need to split up?

I don't know what happen with me me right now.
I cannot even concentrate on a stuff
and i couldn't tell you how bad i feel now
because i don't want you to sympathy me!

I wish I'm absent minded
so that i can get rid of all the memory between me and you.
I can just keep on with my life now without thinking our past.

okay! I know what i said now it will never works

what to do??

Her parents find out that she's a lesbian and they can't accept it and trying to stop her to be with me. Our relationship that's what I want. I don't care who disagree with our relationship but I just want to be with you, but it can't! Why we have to care so much about other people.

I wish they could understand. Homosexual is not a crime. If they could have better understand on us, they will know we do love each other and we really mean to each other.

I love you and that's what my mind keep telling me.

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